Canggu Bali, 14 November 2020
For Immediate Release
Luxury Lifestyle Villa, Ametis Villa Bali was announced its official certification of CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability) from The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in Indonesia on 14th November 2020 .
CHSE in the Indonesia Tourism Sector is the process of granting certificates to tourism business, other related business/facilities, the community environment, and tourism destinations, in order to guarantee to tourists and the public that the products and services provided have met protocols. CHSE began to be implemented in the tourism sector and creative economy in Indonesia since September 2020 and goal is to increase efforts to prevent and control Covid-19, and to revive its sector from a recession due to Covid-19 Pandemic.
“Ametis Villa Bali had implemented the safety and wellbeing commitment Simply Caring since it’s re-opening on 8th August 2020 after its temporary closure, in order to offer a worry-free environment for its guests and employee in a new normal era”, said Human Resources Manager, Sevi Adnyani.
Auditor Team Leader of CHSE, Ida Ayu Rai Chandrawati Lestari explained how “Ametis Villa Bali is an excellent example of innovative new protocol methods. Implementing the digital system instead of paper in day to day new normal operation makes a worthy as environmental sustainability amongst other hotels and villas. We congratulate them on their early success and achievement with an excellent score 100”.
Further information of Simply Caring commitment can be found here.